Friday 2 August 2013

We Want to Make All Kids Happy!

Hi there! Thank God it's another Friday! How is your week? We get to travel around and met some under privileged kids. Although they could not enjoy as much luxuries as most of us do, they give thanks for what they have and welcome each day with a new hope. 

We have a little hope on our own and a growing determination. Through our Liu Lian Kia and comics, we wish to reach out to more children around the world and bring more happiness to them. We are short of hand and have limited time each day but we are trying hard! : )
  • Our catalog will soon be up so that you can order from us.
  • Comic is in drafting process and we intend to draw it traditionally (without a tablet!)
  • More design ideas are coming up (but not yet drawn out)
We would love to hear from you on how we could reach out to more kids and help them. :) Do write to us at or drop us a message on our Liu Lian Kia Facebook Page.

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