Friday 23 August 2013

Minion Giveaway Contest

It has been a while since we last updated this blog. The Minion giveaway contest is still going on until the end of this month! You can find out more from our previous post. The rules are simple. 1, Like our page, 2, Share our post and 3, Tag your friends! As for how we are going to choose our winner, here are some steps that we will follow:
1. Check if you have Liked our page.
2. Check if you have shared THIS post.
3. Count how many friends that you have tagged. (1 friend = 1 extra chance)
4. Everyone who fulfilled criteria 1 and 2 will get an unique number. For those who tagged their friends, for each friend you tagged, you get an extra number. For example, you tagged 3 of your friends. So the number that you get may be 5, plus an additional of 6,7,8. The number will be post up on our page once the contest ended.
5. Generate a lucky number using a random number generator. The LUCKY WINNER will be the one with the lucky number! Hooray!

Hope it clarifies some of your doubts! Tag more of your friends today!

cute minion plushie

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