Monday 6 January 2014

CNY Preorder

Hello everyone! Chinese New Year is around the corner and we are having some cute things to add to your new year prosperity!

Introducing  大旺 (da wang) Pineapple and 大吉 (da ji) the Mandarin Orange!

The Chinese believes that the Pineapple and Orange can bring in wealth and prosperity for the new year. Therefore they would often display these 2 symbolic food at home as decoration, present them to friends and relatives, and have them as essential food during Chinese New Year.

To bring yourself and your families and friends more good luck and prosperity, order our custom-made 大旺 and 大吉 today! Simply fill up the order form here with the following details:

大旺 the Pineapple (S$ 5)
★ Size Code: Big
★ Colour Code: Green and Yellow
★ Pattern Code: Pineapple
★ Emoticon Code: Happiness

大吉 the Orange (S$ 5)
★ Size Code: Big
★ Colour Code: Orange
★ Pattern Code: Orange
★ Emoticon Code: Happiness

Buy 2 for S$8.80 ONLY! Huat ah!!
Kindly send us a Facebook message after making the order. :)

We will be having a GIVEAWAY contest to one lucky winner who share this on Facebook and tell us why he/she wants a 大旺 or 大吉 for this Chinese New Year!

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