Saturday 27 July 2013

10 Expressions - Coloured!

Hey there!

Our artist did a quick colouring for the 10 Expressions of Liu Lian Kia and there you go! Liu Lian Kia in their colourful world!

Here is an animated version of the 10 Expressions! Feel free to download it but please credit Liu Lian Kia if used elsewhere on the web! :) 

Have a great weekend everyone! We will be getting this website complete as soon as possible and post more photos of newly designed Liu Lian Kia for you to order!

Sunday 21 July 2013

10 Expressions of Liu Lian Kia

Hello everyone! Here's a quick preview of the 10 expressions of Liu Lian Kia done by our artist|designer.

Fascinated by them? We can't wait for release of full catalogue featuring all the sizes, colours, patterns, and emoticons available. Stay tuned for a coloured version of the animated Liu Lian Kia!

Original art available here.
Continue to support our  Facebook page at here.

Sunday 14 July 2013

Pattern Catalogue Sneak Peek

Hello! It has been a while since we last update on Liu Lian Kia. How are your Liu Lian Kia? Hopefully we can find time to come up with a tutorial on "How to care for your Liu Lian Kia".

We are still going on a very slow pace in setting this blog and another website (can't really decide which one to use so we make both!). Anyway, we are setting up a page on this blog for our catalogue to facilitate your orders. :) Do stay tuned. Thank you for your patience and do continue sharing our page and pictures! Here's a cute picture for you to share today! (And it's one of the pattern available!)

Have a great week ahead!

Liu Lian Kia